There really isn't a whole lot to report from Rakow world... :) Just random-ness... Probably nothing that is interesting... :)
~We've enjoyed lots of rain in the last week or so... thanks to the hurricanes. That means the lawn needs to be mowed more...and that makes Ryan happy. :) (just kidding)
~We had our 34+ week appointment on Tuesday... I gained 2 lbs. and all else checked out just fine. The heart rate of Little R was 150... Our next appointment is in a little over a week - which will be the beginning of the weekly appointments. I can't wait for those weekly exams... *sigh* :) At least it means that we're growing closer to meeting Little R. :)
~We're still not sure about names... We're going to work on that in the next few weekends... It's really hard to be teachers for 9+ years and choose a name for your child... :)
~We had two good weekends prepping for Little R. Ry and Dwayne got the furniture up into the bedroom a few weekends ago...Ry put the crib together (someone, please give him the Bob Vila award :))...and I've been busy putting stuff away and doing loads of laundry to get things ready. Last weekend was devoted to all bedding & bath items... We have about a million blankets... :) I got the crib all made up...Pooh bumper, a little bedskirt, cute Pooh sheets, etc., so it's all ready. :) I have a little more to do in the room before it's really "ready." :) We need to get a blind, the window treatment that matches the bedding (Burlington Coat Factory trip upcoming...)
This weekend, I'm working on washing baby clothes...just the newborn to 3 month sizes...what Little R better be wearing when it comes out! :) hehe :) The loads of laundry for this portion is significantly less - clothes don't take up that much space when they're that small! :) Ryan just loves that everything is all yellow, white, or green, too... Hey, it makes separating laundry easy! :) hehehe :) The pink/blue/boy/girl stuff will follow soon enough...
We'll get some pictures of the baby's room up on here soon - once I get the clutter in the room taken care of in the next week or so... :)
~Beezer had his "doggie check-up" this morning...he's all ready for the next year or so. :) He loved the plethora of treats he got from one of our favorite vets, Dr. Barbara, and our MOST favorite vet tech, Chrissy. :) Fun times... :)
~Baby shower #2 - The Virginia Shower... We had a shower over the Labor Day weekend with the VA people... :) Ry stayed at home with my dad, but my mom and I had a great time. :) Becky, Marcie, and Ella threw quite a nice was a fun time. :) We have been so blessed with thoughtful friends and family... This child will want for nothing... :)
~I'm officially 20 work days and counting from the beginning of my maternity leave...unless the Little R comes early. It begins on Oct. 10th at 3:00 when the big yellow buses depart for the day. :) It's really not been too bad working...but I'm really tired and my body is tired after beign on my feet all day. Teaching isn't the easiest job when it comes to needing to sit. I dress in my nice sneakers every day... :)
~Sleep... Not something I get a lot of these days... I guess it's just preparing me for the new baby... In the last week, Beezer has been very "clingy" when going to sleep... So, for 2 nights this past week, I woke up to Beezer butt in my face... Pleasant... At least he didn't have gas! :)
~Snickers...mmm MMM good... :) I think that's my craving now.... And a good ham sandwich, too...
Enough for now... :) I will write more later... :)
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