Saturday, February 25, 2012

playground fun

it's hard to believe that, 3 days before, we were making a snowman and having a snowball fight and crying because we loathe the snow :)  we made our way to the playground and enjoyed the beautiful 70ish degree temperatures :) 
hannah loved swinging, and K spent most of her time jetting from one thing to another... :)  but, for the few seconds she stopped, i managed to snap some pictures of her...  she's so hard to photograph; she's very uncooperative in front of the camera :)  i was thankful to capture these pictures of our playground fun in February.... :)

 (as mentioned about difficulty photographing her...
K - with her face looking at the ground...
i said, "Katherine, can you look up for Mommy?"
and this, my friends, is what i get :)

sleepy baby :)